Welcome to my website! I'll be updating it with various projects I've been involved with.
Ham Projects:
Moon Bounce - Worked with my College club to perform Earth-Moon-Earth communication on UHF.
Packet Radio - Notes on using the VX-4000 with packet radio, so far just APRS.
Microwave Update 23 - Brief notes on my experience at MUD23
Vertex VX-4000V - I converted a VHF commercial radio to the 2m ham band to be used with packet radio.
GE Orion - I converted a VHF commercial radio to the 2m ham band to be used with a microphone for FM voice.
GE / Ericsson M-RK - I am working to add a standard antenna connector to an Ericsson M-RK commercial HT.
UHF 1/4 wave Ground Plane - A small antenna I made for my Kenwood TK-8180 UHF radio for use in my apartment.
VHF Circular Folded Dipole - Notes on setting up a VHF Circular Folded Dipole.
2 Meter Mag-Mount - Experiments on using various configurations of cookie sheets for a ground plane with a mag mount.
2 Meter Yagi - Notes on building a 2m Tape Measure Yagi.
RTL Power - Notes on RTL Power Usage to Generate Waterfall images over time.
osmo-fl2k - Attempts at using a USB to VGA Adapter as a Transmitter.
Other Projects
High Speed Trading Using Shortwave Radio - A paper I wrote proposing a solution for using shortwave radio as a reliable, low latency link for high speed trading.
Current Setup
My current home setup is:
Kenwood TK-8180-K with a homemade UHF 1/4 wave ground plane antenna for FM UHF Voice
Vertex Standard VX-4000V with a 2m Circular Dipole for VHF FM Packet (APRS, Winlink, SSTV)
Radtel RT-480 HT for mobile needs